"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

Preserving wealth for generations Join Me

Planing and Execution Strategy

I will guide on choosing the best plan for you Learn More

Global and International Asset Management

Diversification to secure Growth Call Me

Recent Works

Development of a SWOT analysis for Top Trending Markets, focus mainly on vast distribution network and opportunities including emerging market.

Perform Straddle Options between Strike Points on Common Bonds using Andrew Custom Built Golden Pattern.

Asset Class Allocation Strategy is vitial in the next couple of weeks as analysists expect Market Slipping 6%.

Welcome Aboard


I deliver independent advice and thoughtfully designed wealth management solutions. I have proven successful investment and planning strategy. It is more than client relationship. I will take the time to get to know you – to know your family, your business and your other interests – and to invest and plan for your future, on your terms.

Contact Me


My primary focus is my clients’ needs


I'm always on your side and available to answer any and all of your inquires and questions.

Process & Procedure

All my strategies are derived from specific processes: From pre-planning to retrospective phases.

Accurate Timing

Time is the essence. Precise decisions on sensative moments are embbeded in my strategies.

Asset Management

I will provide assitance and guidance on the best management process that fit your needs.


My methodology includes all profitable assets, including international affiliations.

  • One of the strongest asset that I watch regularly. It is my safety net when Global Market is in doubt.


    Through Fundamental Analysis and Strategy, I pick the winning trades.

  • Everything revolves around grain from Africa to Australia. With diligent care, i maximize profits for my clients.


    Everything revolves around grain from Africa to Australia. With diligent care, I maximize profits for my clients.

  • The most effective resources in the world. Through our partners, I know in advance the state of the barrels.


    The most effective resources in the world. Through our partners, I know in advance the state of the barrels.

  • Highs and Lows are key components to my entry and exist strategies.


    Highs and Lows are key components to my entry and exist strategies.

  • One of the least abonded resource that other firms don't pay attention to it. Well, I do it for my clients.


    One of the least abonded resource that other firms don't pay attention to it. Well, I do it for my clients.

  • Opportunities arise periodically. With my accurate timing, I maximize its earning for my clients.


    Opportunities arise periodically. With my accurate timing, I maximize its earning for my clients.

What people say

Our Clients
Scott Larson

Thank you, Andrew. He is the most valuable Gury in the market. With his guidance, we were able to make 27% ROI While other were stumbling in 5%. Thanks again Andrew, you got me hocked. Keep up the great work !!.

Our Clients
Kathy Smithville

Andrew have been efficient and proactive, particularly in meeting deadlines and their added value support on commercial issues. Ward Goodman strike just the right balance between being a flexible, easy to deal with local firm yet having all the key strengths, attributes and rigor necessary to support a subsidiary of a US Corporate.

Our Clients
Luis dourado

We are hugely grateful to you for what you have done Andrew and can’t begin to thank you enough for all your patience, wise council, good humor and support.


My services are ready upon your requests.

Tier I Management

  • Entry Strategies
  • Exit Strategies
  • Simple Strategies
  • Trade Adjustments
  • Contact Me
Entries & Exits
Tier I Management

  • Advanced Strategies
  • Guidance Strategies
  • Diversification Strategies
  • Trade Adjustments
  • Contact Me


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Contact Me

AndrewDennisInc.PO Box 345678 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne Australia

Phone: +61 2 4950 8055
